The ECLIPS and ARENA Container Roll-Out Solar System (CROSS) Demonstration Day last week was a resounding success and generated a lot of media interest. Click the individual links below to read the full articles.
Under new funding to ACT’s ECLIPS Engineering, diesel generators could soon be replaced by rapid, redeployable solar PV systems to provide a temporary power supply for military operations or disaster relief efforts. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced $289,725 in funding to ECLIPS Engineering to design, manufacture and test their redeployable Container Roll Out Solar System (CROSS).
“One of our early objectives was to provide rapidly deployable utility scale PV generators to improve the self-sufficiency of Defence’s deployed forward operating bases. Diesel consumption related to the provision of electricity can account for up to 70% of deployed forces’ fuel usage and is a significant cost driver.
An Australian ‘pop-up solar’ generator that can be transported in a shipping container and is designed to provide instant power for defence forces in the field is being touted as a solution for disaster relief. Canberra-based ECLIPS Engineering has developed an Australian-made mobile solar energy system which can provide instant power from a shipping container, and can be easily transported.
Pop-up mobile solar PV could soon replace diesel generators as temporary power supply for military operations, disaster relief efforts and music festivals, thanks to an Australian-made innovation. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced $289,725 in funding for Canberra-based ECLIPS Engineering to design, manufacture and test its rapidly redeployable Container Roll Out Solar System …
Canberra-based ECLIPS Engineering has developed the Container Roll-Out Solar System (CROSS), a rapidly deployable and relocatable photovoltaic (PV) system designed to reduce the dependence on diesel generators during military or humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) operations. CROSS
Pop-up mobile solar PV could soon replace diesel generators as temporary power supply for military operations, disaster relief efforts and music festivals, thanks to an Australian-made innovation. On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced $289,725 in funding for Canberra-based ECLIPS Engineering to design, manufacture and test its rapidly redeployable Container Roll Out Solar System (CROSS).
On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced $289,725 in funding for Canberra-based ECLIPS Engineering to design, manufacture and test its rapidly redeployable Container Roll Out Solar System (CROSS). CROSS is a factory assembled, relocatable solar array that has been developed to reduce the logistics challenges associated with deploying solar PV generators.
The Australian government agency for renewable energy, ARENA, has announced K731,000 (about $290,000) in funding for Canberra-based ECLIPS Engineering to design, manufacture and test its rapidly redeployable container roll out solar system (CROSS). ARENA says pop-up mobile solar photo voltaic could soon replace diesel generators as temporary power supply for military operations, disaster relief efforts and other applications if this Australian-made innovation is used.
ECLIPS Engineering, Canberra Mobile solar generators could replace diesel generators for military operations, disaster relief efforts and even music festivals. The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has awarded $289,725 to Canberra’s ECLIPS Engineering to design, manufacture and test its pop-up concept. The Container Roll Out Solar System (CROSS) would make energy accessible to soldiers cut off from supply channels.
One Step Off The Grid A Canberra based engineering firm has won financial backing from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency to trial the pop-up mobile solar solution it is hoping will help displace diesel generators as the go-to source of temporary power supply.
CROSS are available in 20ft and 40ft configurations (CROSS20 and CROSS40), and can be stacked seven high during transportation, secured to each other via twist locks, and rolled into or out of ISO shipping containers. Reusing ECLIPS’ patented Container Roll-Out Warehousing System (CROWSTM) design, the CROSS can be lifted by forklift at one end and rolled into a shipping container on its heavy-duty rollers.
An Aussie ‘pop-up solar’ innovation could be providing instant power for disaster relief around the world.