Sea Box International would like to thank all involved in making CeMAT Australia 2015 a success, and to all who visited our exhibit and watched the demonstrations of our purpose-built logistics platforms CROWS.
During the CeMAT conference, Sea Box International’s Shaun Moore and Kentz’s Andrew Constantine delivered a speech on their collaborative approach to the design, testing and procurement of the CROWS, which was integral to its success.
CeMAT AUSTRALIA 2016 – Homepage
Held in eight countries, CeMAT is the world’s leading trade show covering intralogistics and materials handling. Organised by Hannover Fairs Australia, a subsidiary of Deutsche Messe.
Logistics logic: Collaboration will benefit suppliers and contractors
Economic growth in the logistics industry depends on collaboration between key partners, according to Sea Box International MD Shaun Moore. Moore, whose company designs and fabricates container-based platforms and solutions, says intralogistics and materials handling industries are finally realising the value in suppliers and contractors working closely together.